basic equipment you will need for camping is, sleeping bags, a good quality gas lantern, cook stove, first-aid kit, cooler for food and some good out-doors clothing which is suited to the weather you will be camping in.
There's something about heading off to visit Mother Nature, with nothing but you, lots of trees and a cheerful campfire. It's the best way to experience total peace and quiet. There are no other people, no smog, nothing to do but relax for the weekend. If this sounds irresistible to you, then make sure you do some planning before you head off. Check out what sort of camping gear you already have. While you might be keen to escape the modern world, it might not be so much fun if you're sleeping on hard ground with a thin sleeping bag and it starts to rain. Don't worry if you don't have all the gear you need for your great escape into nature. If you look online you'll find plenty of sites where you can look at camping gear, compare different styles and brands, then buy what's right for you. It can be a bit more difficult to know what you need if you've never been camping before. Generally, a tent is necessity. You can chance the weather, but that's only for the very hardy souls! Perhaps if you're going to be close to some well protected caves you can get away without a tent, but otherwise you'll be very glad you have one when that thunderstorm rolls in. Persistent insects and wildlife are also less of a nuisance when you're in a tent. If you're planning on cooking any food over the campfire, a good campfire grill makes life much easier. If there are fire restrictions or there's no wood available for a campfire, then take along a camping stove. You'll also need some basic cooking utensils, including some pans. Never use your best utensils out of the kitchen; they inevitably get burnt, melted, lost or almost impossible to clean. Just in case the stars aren't sufficient, a strong torch with fresh batteries or a camping lantern can help. If you need to go wandering in the night, you'll want to be able to check out your surroundings. For sleeping, make sure your sleeping bag is suitable for the conditions you'll be encountering. If you have a lightweight summer bag and it starts to snow, you won't get much sleep because you'll be shivering the whole night. If you're really planning to get away from the world, to the point that you won't be near your car at night, then you'll need a backpack to carry everything with you. Modern designs are truly wonderful, with all sorts of features to make carrying a pack more comfortable. You can find packs suitable for anything you might plan to do, including strolling round a local park right through to heavy going trekking in the wilderness. Take the time to think about what you need to use the backpack for, perhaps even visit a camping store and chat to the salesperson, but if you choose wisely you won't regret it. Remember, in the end it's important to travel light when you're going camping. You don't want to have so much stuff in your backpack that you can't even lift it! It's easy to get carried away and buy far too many things and spend a lot of money, but it doesn't need to be that way. Take the time to think about the sort of camping you're likely to do, where you're likely to go, what the weather conditions will probably be, and then choose carefully. By doing that, you'll get the maximum use out of whatever camping gear you buy, and so you'll get great value for money. Buying Tips When You're Camping by: Gray Rollins Whether you are an experienced camping enthusiast or you are starting off on your first camping experience, it is important to have the proper gear and equipment. Many of the supplies can be expensive and some items may be hard to find. To get the most for your money, though, there are several tricks you can employ. Plan Unless you have an unlimited budget, a camping trip is not something where you can get everything at once without a bit of planning. Research where you will be going, the conditions that will be present and the climate. Make a list of all the supplies you will need and determine what items you have available and what items you will need to purchase. If you start early enough, you’ll be able to spread purchases over a longer period of time so it does not take as big a hit to your budget all at once. Budget Research on the Internet or at local sporting goods stores to get an idea of the cost for all the equipment and supplies you will need. Do not forget items such as food and water, cooking utensils and eating implements. If you go over budget, see if there are ways you can economize or determine if there are some items you can do without. Do not skimp on survival equipment or first aid equipment as these are essential. However, you may be able to get away with roughing it a bit more by foregoing some luxury items. Compare prices on the Internet. Not all stores have comparable prices and if you forego the convenience of getting everything at one store, you may get better prices. Borrow and Rent If you have friends who have camped in the past, they may be able to supply some equipment for you to borrow. This will greatly reduce initial expenses. Even if you can get pieces from several people, this may help. Make sure to keep a list of who gave you which items so you can return them to the correct people. Be considerate of other people’s property and return items cleaned and in good condition. Some items are also available for rental. Check with local rental locations to see if they have items such as grills and showers. For maximum convenience, you can rent a recreational vehicle which will supply cooking, eating and sleeping facilities. Buy Used and Discounted Check on the Internet or at local resale shops for used equipment. Many people will purchase items for camping then decide they don’t want it anymore or they upgrade. You can find great deals at these stores and buy clothing and equipment at a value. Discount stores often have sporting goods sections. You may not be able to buy all your camping needs there but you may be able to find dishes, heaters, grills, tents and sleeping bags at a greatly reduced price. Buying camping equipment can be expensive, especially for the first time camper. However, with a little planning and time you can get items at a discounted rate. Make sure to be organized and make lists of necessary items. Research prices and compare stores to find the best discounts available. Your camping vacation will be a lot more enjoyable if you didn’t spend a fortune to rough it in the wilderness. Camping Furniture You Should Have For Your Next Camping Trip by: Gray Rollins Camping conjures up images of campfires, tents, sleeping bags and generally roughing it. However, now there are so many pieces of furniture available for use in camping, you can deck out your campsite to look almost as good as your home. There are lounge chairs available, ottomans, tables and lamps to recreate a living area around a campfire. Portable kitchen areas will provide preparation areas and grills for a versatile dining experience. Your tent no longer has to consist of a sleeping bag on the hard ground but can include beds, tables and lamps. Keep in mind that larger pieces of furniture are difficult to transport and may be heavy or bulky so these items are best used in stationary camp sites. If you will be wandering off to camp at a site where you will have to carry your equipment long distances, these items may not be ideal. However, if you have a campsite area that also accommodates your vehicle and you plan to return to the campsite each day, they are perfect for creating a comfortable and relaxing environment. Make sure you have enough room however you are traveling to transport items. If you have a recreational vehicle, truck or SUV, they provide ample area to store foldable or collapsible furniture along with your equipment and supplies. If you only have a small car, however, you may not be able to pack all the furniture items and still have room for necessary equipment and yourselves. Cots, hammocks, inflatable beds and sleeping mats are great pieces of furniture for use in a tent. They provide maximum comfort while raising you from the hard ground. This can help in keeping you dry in rainy climates and warm if it is colder. Adding a small, collapsible table will allow you to set a lamp for reading and keeping water or other supplies. Lamps can be battery or gas powered and they are usually small and easily portable. There are many varieties of chairs and lounges available. These pieces of furniture are either collapsible or inflatable for easy, compact storage. You can get these pieces in oversized models for maximum comfort and kick your feet up on an ottoman or attached foot rest. Cooking and dining is no longer an issue with the use of folding kitchenettes. These are great ways to provide food preparation areas. They can attach to a grill or heating element to prepare your day’s catch of fish or prepare your favorite camping recipes. Tables and chairs are available and there are even portable picnic tables. You can easily gather the family around for a good meal. With all the available camping furniture available, you can now camp in luxury. Look for camping furniture online or at local sporting goods stores. Make sure you have enough space to transport all these items. They usually come in collapsible models for convenient and compact storage but they will still take up a bit of room. Have fun on your next camping adventure by staying in style and comfort.